From baby to bonus: How can companies eliminate the working mother stigma?

This is Working Together, a weekly series on equity in the workplace. This week, we’re talking about the struggles working mothers are facing getting back to work. Join me LIVE at 3ET tomorrow, June 10, from the LinkedIn News page to extend the conversation with CEO Tim Allen. Join us by hitting the remind me button here. Let’s jump in. 

Marketing consultant Kaia Tingley has been out of work since January. She has made it to final round interviews three times in the past two months, all while homeschooling an eight and five-year-old with her partner. Then, she hears nothing.

She is starting to wonder if having young children — and trying to raise them during the pandemic — is hurting her prospects. Now, the 45-year-old is considering leaving the traditional workforce entirely. 

“I’ve been hearing a lot recently about supporting caregivers, but I can’t find a job that will support me where I know I can add value to the team I work with and my family too,” she said. “I don't know if it's because of the pandemic or because I am a mother, because I clearly don’t hide it.”


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