Study Shows That Without Childcare 40% Of Working Moms Are Working Even More

Daycares being closed down and unable to reopen to full capacity, it means that 40% of moms everywhere are working even more

This darn coronavirus has put people in so many awful situations that go well beyond just worrying about having a mask on and avoiding getting sick with the virus. It's put almost every parent in a position where they are now working from home, keeping kids entertained all days due to lack of child care, homeschooling, and we are burnt out. This constant state of being busy means that moms are working more and more and it doesn't look like things are getting better anytime soon.

Due to the impact of COVID-19 and daycares being closed down and unable to reopen back to full capacity, it means that 40% of moms everywhere are working even more, according to Motherly's survey. That's a huge number to digest. Quite frankly, its making things impossible for moms to manage.


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